Sunday, June 27, 2010

June 26

Remembering that things take time. let them simmer, congeal, mingle, marinade etc.

- creating new habits
- learning how to play the guitar
- growing food
- meal planning

Remembering to add things in instead getting mad they aren't there already

- Journal writing
- Morning pages
- grains
- daily yoga practise
- Putting things up on the walls
- use my office

Noticing what colors feel good - violet blue, these new pajamas - i feel like a queen in them.

Seeing what I am excited about and doing it
- making photos books
- being visual

Learning from everything, including star wars

Forgetting what I learned from Star wars

Remembering again - Quieting the mind

recognizing the things I do get done
- planted garden
- started a worm farm
- got a washing machine
- getting estimates for washing machine stand

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