Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Frottage / Infinity / Forgiveness

Connections - 2

1. Frottage
2. Infinity
3. Forgiveness

1. Frottage

I heard this word in a book review my Maureen Corrigan as part of Fresh Air yesterday morning on my way to work. She was reviewing the book The INfinities by John Banville. She liked the book because Banville is very good with language and used wonderful words. Frottage was an example she used. Her example was:

"But lo, Hermes exclaims: See what they made of this mess of frottage. It is as if a fractious child had been handed a few timber shavings and a bucket of mud to keep him quiet only for him to promptly erect a cathedral, complete with baptistery, steeple, and weathercock and all. Within the precincts of this consecrated house they afford each other sanctuary, excuse each other their failings, their sweats and smells, their lies and subterfuges, above all their ineradicable self-obsession. This is what baffles us gods, how they wriggled out of our grasp and somehow became free to forgive each other for all they are not."

Link to transcript of her review.

I love this point. Love is SO ridiculously complicated when it seems it should be SO simple.

Definition of Frottage
The act of rubbing against the body of another person, as in a crowd, to attain sexual gratification.
A method of making a design by placing a piece of paper on top of an object and then rubbing over it, as with a pencil or charcoal.
A design so made.
[French, from frotter, to rub, from Old French froter.]

2. Infinity
This one is much more simple.
1. There was this review in the morning,
2. then the symbol as part of a web site I was looking at that I am considering subscribing to - Sustainable Food News Link to Site
3. There was a mention of infinity in my yoga class last night but I can't recall the exact context or quote

3. Forgiveness
1. There was this rather profound mention of forgiveness in this review which reminded me of a quote I read from what Gabrielle Bernstein wrote on Facebook last week
2. quote from Gabrielle Bernstein - who was, I am sure, quote someone else - "If you are angry look for who you need to forgive to release the anger" not an exact quote. This quote pissed me off and then I realized that I needed to forgive myself for being a fool with Martin. For diving in when I new it was impossibly risky. For following my heart. So I have started truing to forgive myself and have been feeling better, much better and much more separate from the situation with Martin.
3. I woke up this morning feeling that I need to continue to work on forgiving myself for a lot of things. They way I have forgiven others. I deserve at least the same generosity that I give to others.

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