Monday, November 5, 2012

Minecraft Mods

1. Back up the "Application Support/minecraft" folder
This means to go into user name/Library/Application Support
copy the "minecraft" folder, paste it in the same directory "Application Support and name it something about the version and date that is relevant to what you are doing.
Example: "minecraft 1.3.2 no mods"
It's always good to have a fresh version around incase you blow it when you start mucking around in there and you need to revert and start again. It's also good to try mods on fresh minecraft.jar (meaning no mods) because they may or may not be compatible and these developers are not good at documentation of testing. So keep one or two around. I have 1 for each version we have tried mods with (1.1, 1.2.5 and 1.3.2). Some mods are only available for specific versions since they are made by individuals they don't always have the attention span to update their mods with each update ofMinecraft.

2. Download your files and save them in one file -  "Mods" on your desktop:
A. Download Risugami's ModLoader and unzip it. 
scroll down and click on the text link. They use this adfly service which is annoying. You have to wait 5 seconds then hit the "skip Ad" button in the top right corner to initiate the download. Don't read the copy on this site - it's maddening. just get the files and go.

B. Optional, download AudioMod
Again - scroll down and click on the text link. They use this adfly service which is annoying. You have to wait 5 seconds then hit the "skip Ad" button in the top right corner to initiate the download. Don't read the copy on this site - it's maddening. just get the files and go.

C. Download ModloaderMP 
Again - scroll down and click on the text link. They use this adfly service which is annoying. You have to wait 5 seconds then hit the "skip Ad" button in the top right corner to initiate the download. Don't read the copy on this site - it's maddening. just get the files and go.

D. Download Minecraft Forge 
Take the recommended client
This is a different site but just as annoying - maybe more so due tot he display ads and default video and audio ads. 
Again - scroll down and click on the text link. They use this adfly service which is annoying. You have to wait 5 seconds then hit the "skip Ad" button in the top right corner to initiate the download. Don't read the copy on this site - it's maddening. just get the files and go.

E. Download the mod file

3. Then open your minecraft.jar 
Use Unarchiver or Win7 to open the .jar file. 
You can toss the old .jar file and rename the opened file "minecraft.jar" since you lose the suffix when it's opened up.

4. Add all the Mod files to the opened minecraft.jar file in the following sequence.
A. Modloader
Go to the Modloader file, select all, copy, then go to the now open minecraft.jar file and paste the files. Replace all files that are already in there.

B. ModloaderMp
Same process here.

C. Minecraft forge
Same process here.

D. Optional: AudioMod
Same process here.

E. Trains and Zeppelin
Same process here.

5. Delete The META-INF folder in minecraft.jar file. 
If you don't delete this file the screen will be black and the game won't load.

6. Close your minecraft.jar. 
It doesn't seem to be necessary to rearchive the file just be sure that the file is named "minecraft.jar". 

7. Optional: the content of the "resource files" goes into the resources/mod folder
I couldn't figure this out so I didn't do it.

8. Follow the steps in the given sequence or it will not work in SMP (One modloaderMp's file is modified a bit)
I haven't verified this but I did follow this sequence and it worked which is something.

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