PDF from standard process
- good overview of the program, what to eat, how many supplements to take, etc.
- What the cleanse will do for you
- Recipes to make that are good (lentil soup in particular was life saver for me – make a batch, store in small jam jars which just happen to be 1 cup servings, grab in the morning to take for lunch, or crack one in the evening for your dinner)
Protein powder – I used Hemp
Gastro fiber
You may want to also take 1 tablespoon psyllium husks in 8 oz of water followed by another pint sized glass of water 1x a day (I did and it was helpful, to say the least)
http://www.amazon.com/Foods-Psyllium-Husk-Powder-Ounces/dp/B001F0R70A/ref=sr_1_10?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1337891666&sr=1-10 (this link is to a 3 pack. Don't buy it)
Green Food (get 2 of these)
Basic morning smoothie
3-4 strawberries
1/2 banana
1/2 C frozen blueberries
1 tablespoon of flax oil
2 scoops of protein powder
Cover with fresh apple juice or water – apple juice is more delicious, but has more sugar obviously. You can also split the difference.
You can double the recipe, drink half for breakfast and half for lunch of a snack.
If you bring a smoothie, a piece of fruit and a jar of soup in – you will be fine for the whole day
I also put 1/2 an avocado on the soup + a bit of fresh cilantro, more filling and satisfying
You can eat at Delessio if you forget food. Lots of veg options.
Green smoothie
1. Add these thing to the blender
Peeled cored pear or apple
1/2 peeled cucumber
Sprouts (sunflower, pea shoots, mung bean)
Flat leaf parsley
Handful of dulse (seaweed) (optional)
Cover with filtered water or carrot juice
2. Blend
3. Add these things to the blender
Green leaf lettuce 1/4 head
Big hand full of spinach leaves
2 scoops of protein powder
2 tablespoons of flax oil
1/2 or full avocado
Sea salt
More water or carrot juice to get the consistency you like. I like this one a bit more watery than the fruit one.
4.Blend again.
This one is also good to do 1/2 for breakfast 1/2 for lunch. Or bring a whole large mason jar full of it in and drink it in 2 meals.